The Advanced Placement Program enables students to pursue university level studies while in high school. Based on their performance on AP exams, students earn credit or advanced placement for university. MMM offers AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science, AP Physics, AP Math, AP English & AP Psychology, and new to MMM for the fall of 2021 AP Art. AP is internationally recognized. More than 60 countries outside of Canada recognize AP Exam scores in the admission process for credit and advanced placement.
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program provides motivated high school students with post-secondary level academic courses.
Benefits of taking Advanced Placement courses
Dual Admission: Many universities will use the higher grade of either AP exam or the mark awarded by Alberta Education for that course when determining competitive averages for applications. This gives the students two opportunities to achieve a competitive mark! For example, University of Alberta equivalencies are shown below.
AP Exam Result and Course Grade Equivalent
5 or 96%
4 or 86%
3 or 76%
2 or 65%
Advanced Credit: Students may receive transfer credit on successfully completing the AP exam with a 4 or 5 (on a 5 scale), thus saving expensive post-secondary tuition and/or allowing for greater flexibility in their college or university course schedule.
Higher University Success: Research shows that students who write the AP Exam typically experience greater academic success than similar students who do not participate in AP, no matter what mark they receive on the AP exam!
Advanced Placement Opportunities at MMM
AP in-class courses include:
English Literature and Composition
Calculus AB
Physics 1 and Physics 2
Computer Science A
Advanced Placement Scholarships at MMM: Mother Margaret Mary has established a $500 scholarship for any AP SCHOLAR (3 or higher on 3 or more exams).