Broadcaster, Producer, Editor, Videographer, Cinematographer, Camera Operator
Broadcaster, Producer, Editor, Videographer, Cinematographer, Camera Operator
DIGITAL MEDIA 10, 20 & 30
Students in Digital Media 10 acquire basic skills in the areas of audio/video recording, editing and production. Students are given an introduction to the studio and equipment and the basics of producing digital media for use in various forms (Broadcast, YouTube, Instagram, Twitch and others).
Digital Media 20 students plan, produce and edit various audio and video projects with a focus on developing their portfolios.
PRE-REQUISITE: Digital Media 10
PRE-REQUISITE: Digital Media 10
Students in Digital Media 30 advance their technical skills in pre-production, production and post-production of audio & video. Portfolio development is a focus.
PRE-REQUISITE: Digital Media 20
PRE-REQUISITE: Digital Media 20