FRENCH 10-9Y, 20-9Y and 30-9Y
The French as a Second Language (FSL) Program is a 9 year program which begins in Grade 4 and continues through to Grade 12. The French program focuses on developing language competency and strategies for language learning.
Each year, students build upon prior knowledge, increasing their level of understanding of both the spoken and written word and demonstrating knowledge of language conventions that are culturally appropriate. Students also spend time learning about French culture and history and about the role that language learning plays in developing global understanding.
SPANISH 10-3Y, 20-3Y & 30-3Y
The Spanish Language and Culture Three-year (3Y) Program is intended for students who are beginning their study of Spanish language and culture in Senior High School. This program begins in Spanish 10-3Y with a basic introduction to the language and culture.
PRE-REQUISITE: 60% or higher in previous level
SPANISH 10-6Y, 20-6Y & 30-6Y
This program of studies is intended for students who began their study of Spanish in Grade 7. At MMM, the Spanish Language and Culture six year (6Y) Program constitutes the last three years of the six-year program. 6Y students will be combined with students in 3Y courses.
PRE-REQUISITE: 60% or higher in previous level
Any native Spanish speaker wanting to take Spanish should challenge the District exam. Consult the Spanish teacher at the beginning of semesters in September or February.