Photographer, Publisher, Photojournalism, Photo Teacher
Photographer, Publisher, Photojournalism, Photo Teacher
PHOTOGRAPHY 10, 20 & 30
In Photography 10, students employ Elements and Principles of Design and develop basic skills in camera use, including the technical and creative use of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The manipulation of the digital image with editing software is explored.
Composition and technical skills are developed in Photography 20 through the use of exposure and lenses, lighting techniques and camera operation. Students develop their portfolios.
PRE-REQUISITE: Photography 10
PRE-REQUISITE: Photography 10
In Photography 30, composition and technical skills are developed through the use of exposure and lenses, lighting techniques and camera operation. Students develop their portfolios.
PRE-REQUISITE: Photography 20
PRE-REQUISITE: Photography 20