CAREER & LIFE MANAGEMENT is a 3 credit required course for an Alberta Education High School Diploma.
The course includes three areas of study:
Students will be prepared to make well-informed, considered decisions in all aspects of health and personal life.
Students will be prepared to explore career and post-secondary options and prepare for transitions including the world of work.
Students will be prepared to identify personal resources to make responsible financial decisions that reflect goals and values.
At MMM, CALM 20 is not just about covering curricular topics! CALM 20 at MMM is uniquely designed to deliver a personal experience, one that is practical and meaningful for each student, as they prepare themselves to make informed choices for their personal pathways after high school.
“I really appreciated this course. It helped me to prepare for my future and I have the tools to go out and get a job.” Jackson Vic (Grade 11)
Because career and post-secondary preparedness requires a maturity and willingness to explore possibilities, it is recommended that students complete this course in Grade 11 so they can be further supported in Grade 12 when career and post-secondary transitions come into play.
Supportive partners of CALM 20 at MMM:
Money Mentors Alberta
Careers Next Generation
Alberta Workers' Health Centre
Josten's Renaissance
MMM Grad Coach
MMM School Psychologist
AHS Addictions Counsellor
Edmonton Police Service (SRO)
Various Local Organizations
Related Opportunities include:
Career Day at MMM
Post-Secondary Fair
Careers Next Generation Opportunities
Josten's Renaissance Student Conference
Grad Coach Support
School Counsellor Support